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Optimize your learning on YouTube. Take notes on videos and capture the key takeaways. Export them to PDF and markdown.

Annotate.tv: Take notes on videos

an amazing tool for anyone who watches a lot of youtube videos and has a need to refer back to them often! 1 person found this review ...

用Notion 狀態( Status )屬性來進度管理吧! 用Annotate tv 邊看 ...

2022年7月18日 — 好在電腦玩物的Esor 大分享了Annotate tv 這個邊看影片做筆記的網站,讓邊看影片邊做筆記這件事情的門檻變得很低,所以我也開始使用這個工具,這幾天的 ...

Annotate.tv (@annotate_tv) X

Optimize your video learning. Capture the most important takeaways from your videos by taking timestamped notes. Made by @TucciMatias.

Annotate tv 看YouTube 影片寫時間戳筆記,自動擷取中英文 ...

2022年7月12日 — 結合快速時間戳筆記、自動擷取畫面內容、匯出文字筆記等功能,「 Annotate.tv 」確實是一個好用的影片筆記工具選擇,分享給需要的朋友參考。